Monday, June 04, 2007

dvd drive disappeared?...

Well this was an interesting one. Today I was about to do some DVD backups of my system only to find that my DVD drive had strangely disappeared from the system. I've also got an external DVD drive which I bought when my laptop DVD drive packed in and plugging this in even came up with the same error - that windows could not use the drive.
After some digging around it appears that this can happen occasionally on XP machines (XP 64 in my case) and even on Vista machines...
To fix the problem you need to:

1. Click on the start menu.
2. In the search box type in 'regedit' without the quotation marks.
3. Maximize the HKLM and then go ahead and browse until you reach the key listed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11­CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
4. In the right panel you’ll see something along the lines of 'UpperFilter' and 'LowerFilter' or maybe either one or the other - you want to click on each of these keys and hit delete. Click yes when it asks to confirm if you wish to delete the key.
5. Restart Windows.
This seemed to give me back my original DVD drive and also let me access the external DVD drive. A bit wierd but all in a day's work using Windows ;)


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